(13) Park Ride Normal Speed w/The Bickersons By DonAmeche & FrancesLangford (55:19)(May 7, 2023)

1 year ago

(13) Park Ride Normal Speed with "The Bickersons" By 'Don Ameche' & 'Frances Langford'. 1940s/50s ish (55:19)
Today is (May 7, 2023). Closing in on 70/80 years since these were new. Does anyone these days remember good old-fashioned radio comedy like the shadow knows & Bickersons? I thought not. Of course, this was all before that brainwashing tool called TV. The "Bickersons at sea". Then
"The Bickersons fight back" (pts 1,2,3 & 4)
It's been a while since I listen to these classics, but as a boy I sure listened to them from the records. I was too young to have heard them live by just a few years but, my parent had the albums. These Bickersons were the reason I never got married. Thank you, John and Blanch, for saving me a lifetime of CONFLICT and INSANITY! (grins)
Enjoy the ride and the old time humor.

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