END TIMES #12: What is "The Daily" in the Book of Daniel?

1 year ago

In the book of Daniel there is a mysterious phrase that is used in connection with the antichrist power and the abomination of desolation. This phrase is "the daily" and there has been much debate as to its meaning. In our English bibles, the word "sacrifice" is added (so "daily sacrifice") but in the original language this is not the case. The question then becomes, "What did Daniel mean by the use of this word?"

In today's episode we will do a deep dive into this phrase and see why it is so important. An often ignored topic in end times discussions, this obscure phrase actually has much to say about the end of days, and understanding it clearly helps open our spiritual eyes to the true evil in the world and what is to soon come.

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End Times Prophetic Timeline

What does "the daily" in Daniel 8:13 stand for?

Daniel 8

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