Article Video - Don't Panic -- Center Yourselves - Saturday, May 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - Don't Panic -- Center Yourselves - Saturday, May 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The banks have all been insolvent since the 1930's. There is nothing new here, ma'am. Just move along.

The banks have all had to borrow other people's assets -- gold, houses, land, etc., in order to have anything to base loans upon. So if a large number of banks declare themselves insolvent, the only thing that has changed or is changing, is their liquidity -- put simply, they don't have enough cash-on-hand to pay out in that form, or they don't have enough new assets and returns to keep their self-limiting Ponzi Scheme going.

Either condition can lead to lack of liquidity and lack of liquidity can cause a bank collapse.

As there is no lack of paper and ink, the dilemma is caused by political failure to provide the banks with enough cash and the bank's failure to generate enough new loans. That is, the mint has been stood down because the Federal Government is butting its head against its own debt ceiling, and the economy is shrinking because the banks are clawing around trying to save themselves at the cost of not making new loans.

If banks don't make new loans they can't increase their asset base and collect the interest that they need to survive, so it becomes a vicious fear-driven circle. The TARP payments were supposed to prevent this outcome but failed to do so, because the Congress issued these bail-outs without strings or enforcement.

Janet Yellen has been begging, pleading, beating both shoes on her desk for weeks now, to no effect. The edjits in Congress and the White House have held their Confederacy of Dunces Meetings and they are still two-blocked. By the time they agree, the cash shortage issue will take months if not years to repair.

That's what is so snarky about all of this. There would be no shortage of cash if they authorized printing it or even authorized using the cash that is already printed and sitting in warehouses waiting for an occasion like this--- so one can only conclude that Joe Biden and the members of the British Territorial Congress want a bank collapse.

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