Article Video - Understanding How Babylon Works - Friday, May 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Understanding How Babylon Works - Friday, May 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Go back to the Garden of Eden story, where it all started and where it is so eloquently explained.

What does the Snake do?

(1) He casts doubt on God and God's motives. He bends Eve's ear, telling her that God is "holding out" on her and Adam, that God doesn't want them to eat the fruit and become a god like him. God's in it for himself. He has a hidden motive for telling her not to eat that fruit.

(2) Satan uses this doubt to separate Eve from God. She starts thinking in terms of her own selfish advantage. Self-concern creates separation; because suddenly, she focuses on herself as a separate being and starts thinking--- "What's good for Number One?" -- with herself cast in the role of "Number One". God is no longer Number One, she is. And so, she separates herself from God, just like Satan does.

(3) He also tells her, in effect, that God lied to her. He tells her she can eat the fruit and she won't die. This is only half true because, of course, she will die eventually. He omits that part and leaves her to think that God is a liar who can't be trusted.

(4) When she falls for it, and tells her husband all this, he also falls for it. They both eat the fruit. Why? Because Adam doesn't want to be left out or apart from his wife -- he has social acceptance concerns. The herd instinct kicks in.

So, what are the hallmarks of Satan and his tools from Day One?

Lies, Doubts, Deceits, Half-truths, Omissions, Separation, Self-Interest, Social Acceptance Concerns and Gossip.

These are still his weapons and we see their effects every day in every corner of our world. We still see this same progression in action in our own lives and throughout the world.

Someone says something about our husband being gone a lot. Someone else says something about you and your husband and your best friend being such a "threesome". Pretty soon, you are resenting your friend for being around all the time, and checking your watch and asking your husband where he's been.

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