Walking Humbly in the Light | Mike Hatch @mikehatch9613 #menareforged

1 year ago

Episode 125 - Walking humbly in the light has been Mike's life mission statement because he believes that we are not defined by our sins and have faith that God will meet him in it. This is done in order to be a light for the glory of God.

Let's walk humbly in the light, believing that God will meet us in our sin and bring us into the Light. It's been Mike's life mission statement to be a light for the glory of God! #WalkHumbly #LightofGod

"To step into the light
to some extent
you have to believe
you are not defined by
that sin
you have faith
God will meet you there
that's been ever since then
my life mission statement
to walk humbly in the light
as he is in the light
in order
to be a light for
the glory of God" @mikehatch9613

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