GREAT RESET: Burger King FAILS! - They're PREPARING For Government Food Rations!

1 year ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the failure of Burger King as they close 400 locations at the same time that McDonalds closes all American offices.
People cannot afford to eat even the cheapest junk food which is leading to the collapse of even the largest food corporations.
Fascism is government and corporation hand in hand. What the state wants currently is communism which is where government IS the corporation. That is why the food supply chain is being collapsed on purpose. That's why they're going after the energy grid. That's why we see the European Union attempt to copy what the Netherlands is doing by banning farms due to "nitrogen pollution." These things do not happen accidentally. The globalists are NOT that stupid. They're happening because they want the supply chain, grid and economy to fail to bring in a new system of globalist governance worldwide under a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This allows them to force people out of desperation into mRNA infused food rations. It is the playbook of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset."
Meanwhile, China is buying up massive amounts of farm land alongside Bill Gates in the United States. One farmer is actually being investigated by the government for not selling their land to a Chinese firm. It is clear that this is part of the agenda. Buy up the farm land and not use it.
All the while, oil production is being cut in the middle of an impending shortage.
When will people get prepared and stop waiting for starvation before they take action?

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