IAF Promo 17: Moving To Jerusalem - The Dark, Bloody Shadows of Peace

1 year ago

The opening of the U.S. Embassy was intended to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the birth of Israel. That was Monday, May 14th, the day that the Israeli Defense Forces reigned death and destruction on Palestinians participating in the March of Return near the Gaza/Israeli border. That March of Return signified the desire of the Palestinians to return to their towns and homes their families were evicted from in 1948, an event called the Nakba or Catastrophe, to be commemorated the very next day as a “Day of Rage.” That very next day, the protests dimmed slightly as protestors attended funerals for their dead while hospitals were overrun by the wounded.

Our program highlights the irony of Israeli and American officials along with their Jewish and Evangelist clergy calling for peace in the midst of one of the most widely publicized massacres of the Palestinian people. In the United Nations, Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador, joined forces with the Trump Administration and the Israeli government in blaming Hamas, the governing force in the Gaza Strip, for causing these deaths and the vast numbers of wounded. But, if Hamas provoked any direct violence, it would be hard pressed to say that the March of Return and the demonstrations near the wall were simply the fault of Hamas since the March was planned by various groups in Gaza and the Day of Rage involves the sentiments of thousands of dispossessed people, living under the horrendous conditions of Gaza, called by one commentator, “the largest concentration camp in the world.”

After the March of Return began, in fact the very day that the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem was opened, the Security Council meeting was called to approve an official statement that would have called for an independent probe of deadly violence on the Israel-Gaza border. The United States used its veto to block the investigation, as it also did to block the investigation into the U.S. chemical attacks on Syria weeks before.

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