Wild Arms - Part 29: Barbados (Optional Boss)

1 year ago

Once you're able to fly over mountains, you can access this boss, who is just like the leviathan in that you need to find him in the desert. There are rumors that you need to read the sign first that warns you about a discarded golem here, but I could not find anything concrete. Just like the previous video, you get some footage of me wandering the desert (farming revive items no less) until we manage to find this bot.

Like Leviathan, it is fairly tame for this stage of the game, and also like Leviathan, it drops gear for Cecilia, this time her ultimate weapon. It will take a little while before we can get the weapons for the guys, and their bosses are much more difficult than these, but Cecilia is decked out for the rest of the game with these two equips and the Necronomicon. Expect to see her vaporize stuff in the videos to come.

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