Turkey hunting setup for the mountains - Review

1 year ago

The problem with traditional turkey hunting vests while hunting turkeys in the mountains I find is:
- they typically don't allow you to carry enough water.
- they shift all the load onto your shoulders, all day.
- they make it hard to carry what I consider essential gear for the mountains.
While these turkey vests might be enough for back east somewhere or maybe Midwest; out west, I find they simply won't do. So i cobbled together my own rig, and it worked out pretty well.

Some of the parts I purchased from a specialized upland gear company, Final Rise, made in UT, USA: https://finalrise.com/
Without these parts from Final Rise, this rig wouldn't have been possible. I think they're the only guys making gear like this, and I really appreciate that someone is attempting to address this gap in the outdoors gear market.

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