Episode 026 - Close Encounters Part 1 (The Ririe Carjackers)

1 year ago


Strictly speaking, as per Dr. Hynek’s criteria, CE1s are classified only if the object is within 500 feet of the observer, but if atmospheric conditions are conducive, such as that on a particularly clear day, more distant observations can be considered ‘legitimate’.

As far as the Ririe Encouter is concerned, despite what many online pundits claim, I am certain the story is not a complete fabrication, although the events as reported may not be accurate. I am convinced two men reported that something strange occurred on the highway outside of Ririe, Idaho. This is in no way an endorsement of those claims, although some questions that arise from the investigation of said claims do seem to point to rather disturbing conclusions. The chances that Tossie and Begay’s story is true are not high, but they are also not zero.

Although I was able to independently confirm at least the existence of most names and locations in the narrative (which is one reason I am confident it is not a total fiction), I was ironically unable to confirm the existence of Willie Begay or Guy Tossie. But this isn’t all that surprising.

Begay is a fairly common Navajo surname (meaning ‘son of’) and Tossie seems to be unique. However, Tsosie (meaning ‘slim’ or ‘slender’) is very common, and seems to be too much of a coincidence to hand-wave away. If the man’s name was actually Guy Tsosie, subsequent regurgitations of the event contain a gross inaccuracy that would divorce much of the narrative from history. It is also possible the men or their families ultimately viewed the experience as one of a highly personal, spiritual nature, and may be highly reluctant to discuss the matter.

Admittedly much of this is speculative, but names of people and places are very commonly misstated throughout the hundreds of retellings of a historical paranormal event.

Also, most retellings of the narrative (including the detailed reports published by NICAP and CUFOS) state the name of the farmer who helped Guy Tossie as ‘Willard’ Hammon. After extensive research into the area, I believe this is an error, possibly originating with NICAP. I could not find a Willard Hammon, but I did find a William Hammon, who’s age and location would more-or-less match the event. My narration thus reflects this.

For related reading, I recommend the book “Close Encounters Man”, by Mark O’Connell. A well-written and well-researched book about Dr. Hynek.


Also, “The Interrupted Journey” by John Fuller is considered a classic in the UFO Close Encounter genre. I have not read this one, but I intend to do so if I ever get around to analyzing the case of Betty and Barney Hill. I have, however, seen the television adaption “The UFO Incident” starring Estelle Parsons and James Earl Jones, which is excellent, the script and acting far above what the subject matter would imply.



Finally, for a solid skeptical take on the subject, check out “UFO Abductions” by Philip Klass. Though much maligned by UFO proponents, Klass was very good at ‘armchair’ analysis and wrote in a clear, refreshingly unadorned style. If I had any general criticisms of the man, I would say he placed far too much importance on the viability and usefulness of polygraph tests. Otherwise, it’s a good read.


For anyone who would like to read the psychiatric paper on The Firewater Myth:


Thank you all for sticking with the channel as I continue to fit new episode production within the tribulations of real life. Part 2 is on its way…

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