DNC Giving Clue Biden Will Be Replaced?

1 year ago

The DNC in 2024 will be held in Chicago. One listener has a theory that Pritzker will step in to supplant Biden at the convention.

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Image Credit, Chi Hack Night
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This is Owen from LA. Owen from LA. How are you doing? I'm good. How about you? I don't know. Yeah because you guys have been holding down the fort over there. you and Bradley. That's kind of crazy. I know, right? yeah. Well, I don't know. anyways. I don't know if you mentioned this earlier I was in and out but did you see that the DNC is gonna be in Chicago this year. I did not see that. Yeah, that's interesting. I got a push notification as the show basically the show was starting maybe an hour before. But yeah I guess they decided that that'll be the DNC location for 2024. Yeah, I don't know if this is me projecting a little I really don't want to bite and run and I just I don't know if that just signals to me that maybe JB Pritzker is like they're trying to tee up for that. Or maybe there's some sort of internal dispute in the D DNC on who should run. There absolutely is. But I feel like the alternative candidate to Biden is definitely JB Pritzker. Yeah I mean I think that Pritzker is a good option that has of course in terms of my politics and putting that aside I would prefer someone even more Progressive. but just horse racing analysis absolutely absolutely pritzker certainly has the chops. I just don't. I don't think that I think it's a little bit of wishful thinking. I think Biden is not, he's testing the waters still. But right now if Trump is really the front-runner Biden is going to be like I have the opportunity to waltz into a second term. So the and with the incumbency advantage it's just very difficult to dissuade that analysis from within the White House. Because you really do have all of this Advantage where you can stockpile all your money for a general election. You don't have to go through a primary process. I know Marianne Williamson's running. But it's not going to be taken seriously by the Biden campaign. That is something that the DNC is going to take seriously. and there's a practical reality to that. Even though I mean I don't know where that leaves the Democratic party in terms of its future with four more years of Biden. So. He did. I think he did. I think Telegraph to Al Roker he did that he's like planning on running.

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