Should you be speaking out?

1 year ago

In this week's episode, I aim to provoke your thinking in new ways by asking you whether you should be speaking out against matters that you oppose.

Are you staying silent through fear?

Are you staying silent because you think your views, your opinions, don't matter?

Are you staying silent because you think there's no point in opposing the many challenges today in Australia, and all around the world, to truth, to justice, to logic, to reason, to ethics, to tradition, and to many joys of life?

If you're not happy with what's going on in your society then I say it's important that you do something about it by speaking out.

It takes courage to speak out.

You may have got into trouble in the past for speaking out.

I want to excite you about the value of reviewing your mental blockages to speaking out and then raising your self awareness about your internal decision-making processes.

It's both scary and exciting about taking the risks of speaking out.

I suggest it's important for us in Australia, and for your society wherever you are, that more of us have the courage, find the courage, to speak out.

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In this episode. I aim to enlighten you about the costs and the benefits of the road that you choose to travel. It's a most important and crucial choice before you!

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