Whole Bible Instruction: Follow the Leaders of the Word

1 year ago

That no-influence guy Bruce S. Bertram from The Word of God Ministries and http://www.wholebible.com is back with another practical guideline for applying the whole of the Word to daily living. This time he's focusing on leaders, and which ones believers should follow. Do we have to do everything that those who sit themselves in the seat of Moses tell us to do? Should we blindly follow anyone who calls himself (or herself) a leader? The answer is: no. The only leaders that should be followed are those that follow the Word.

Many times in Israel's past, the leaders led into idolatry and many horrible practices. Is Jesus saying we are required to follow leaders when they lead off the path? Emphatically not. When they take a left turn, we should keep on going straight. The church is routinely leading believers away from the Word; all we have to do is look at the results. We shouldn't be blindly following those leaders either.

As long as the teaching fits in the framework and on the foundation that Moses laid down (Genesis through Deuteronomy) then we should follow. All other books that were added to the Bible had to pass this muster, and so should every other teaching that claims to be God's. When a teacher departs from the Word, true believers should depart from the teacher.

For more information our books Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing, Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy and Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope are available on Amazon.

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