"Stand by your trans", song and a discussion of the CCP Social Credit Sys

1 year ago

Singing the song, "Stand by your trans", and discussing the Communist Chinese Social Credit System that monitors ALL the sell-outs of the US that want to be paid and receive benefits for assisting in destroying the US Constitutional Republic we as Christians love so much. We need to continue to pray for EXPOSURE and more importantly how these evil people are going to be punished. I believe it will take the PLA army commanders of China to repent and turn to Jesus Christ FIRST and then they will EXPOSE it all. May 4th, 2023 Rosemead, California mefoundation.world I buy toys and gifts like this "Barbi doll" for my kids in Pakistan and then send the boxes to Pakistan. Pray and support, IT IS NOT CHEAP but it sure blesses those dear Pakistani children.

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