Whole Bible Blessings: Helps Prayer, Puts On Christ, Restores Integrity

1 year ago

Bruce S. Bertram, the guy from The Word of God Ministries and http://www.wholebible.com who doesn't have any initials after his name validating his message in the eyes of the world, wraps up the discussion of blessings from following the Law with three final thoughts.

Following the Law helps prayer because God hears a righteous person. Some might argue that since Christ is the believer's righteousness (and He is) that we don't have to have any of our own. This is no the biblical case at all. God has taken away the obstacles to a relationship with Him in Christ, so that means we should be showing and copying that righteousness in our lives.

We put on Christ as we practice each command. As we've discussed before, there are many concepts wrapped up in accepting and practicing His Law, not the least of which is humility. Just as He put on a human body and was tempted in all ways as we are, we put on His body through living out all of His Words.

Accepting the Law as a lifestyle and discipleship method restores the integrity of the Word, and puts it back into a central place in daily living. Instead of picking nits, sitting in judgment on the living oracles, we embrace them and thereby validate His character and love. When we accept all of what God is and says, the blessings never stop flowing.

For more information our books Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing, Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy and Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope are available on Amazon.

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