Conspiracy TikToks That Will Make You Re-think Reality | Nurse Dre Reacts

1 year ago

Nurse Dre #reacts to this #compilation of #tiktok #foryou videos that will give you a #paradigmshift , for real!
#conspiracy TikToks That Will Make You Re-think #reality | Nurse Dre Reacts
#conspiracy Theory Topics included in this video:
~#manifestation with Cinnamon
~Cures to disease being hidden for profits
~Steevie Wonder is not really blind
~#princessdiana 's Death being the fault of someone in the fam
~Religion being a way to control ppl, mainly women
~#Servitude Contracts
~Spanish Moms are mean on purpose, but passive aggressive
~#Area51 is the EXIT! ( my fav )
~Government only allows male trees to grow in America, so that we don't have free access to fresh fruit on trees
~"I can't believe it's not butter" is actually butter
~DB Cooper lives!
~OJ's Son did it
~Time Travelers killed Hitler
~Isreal Keys Killings and "Kill Boxes"
~Expensive Healthcare is a Conspiracy of the government
~The #titanic never sank!
~John F. Kenedy (JFK our President)
~Fashion companies don't put pockets on womens' clothes so that they have to buy bags
~Original #statueofliberty was a Black Woman, but was switched. (makes sense, actually, because it stood for #liberty ).

Don't forget to protect yourself, your babies, & pets from dangerous 5g and #EMF radiation coming from the phone, tablets, and towers! Get protected now, here-

For more information on how cell phones, tablets, earbuds, and much more bluetooth devices are making our family & pets deathly sick, click here-
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I wish you all the love and luck in the Universe! Remember, the Universe is literally rigged in your favor! xoxoxoxo

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