Wild Arms - Part 22: Demon Gate

1 year ago

Having gone through the lab, we find ourselves at the gate, which is an amazing grinding spot. You have the means to go up a few levels here, and I recommend doing so as it can save you time later on as you won't have to grind at an inferior spot. It may make the boss here considerably easier since you have the means to overwhelm it, but due to the number of secret bosses this game has, you can make up the difference in difficulty later.

As for the story, when Zeikfried goes down, he ends up revealing Rudy as being a non-human in the process (did you wonder why he couldn't use magic?). This is going to start a series of events where we need to get his arm fixed and we learn how he fits into the big picture and why he is able to use ARMs that others cannot. I won't call out the mistranslation until later on, so just be patient if you're wondering why it is weird...

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