Spartan Ascent - ultra-lightweight - Tripod

1 year ago

The Spartan Precision Equipment Ascent Tripod is a fantastic piece of kit for the hunter, and the GEN 2 version with the Davros Pro Head makes this tripod special. I’ve used it on a lot of hunts and rarely if ever hunt without it because it’s not just a shooting support. This video is a full product review:

Here are some of its features:
• Tripod Shooting Support for standing, kneeling, seated, and prone.
• Bipod Shooting Support for standing, kneeling, and seated.
• Smart phone/camera support.
• Spotting scope/binocular support.
• Seated backrest.
• Trekking poles.

For more information on the Spartan Ascent Tripod:

All Empty Cases videos are produced by professional shooters and videographers on a safe range with the intent of providing educational and entertaining content. Always obey the four rules of firearms safety:
1. All guns are always loaded.
2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
4. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond.
All video captured forward of the muzzle was obtained with a remotely operated camera.

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