5/6/23 Are You All Tuckered Out?

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If so then tune in to this Saturday morning to Last Call and get ready to yell “oohrah” as we drive our way through the enemy lines with truth, justice and the American way.
Yep BJ, Mr. Anderson and the remnant are working hard and kicking backsides. Today our first guest is a former Marine and Lieutenant Colonel who stood his ground and as a result is now turning heads and leading the charge for righteousness. Join us today as we interview the good Dr. Pete Chambers who got discharged for telling the truth and is now recharging the countryside as a result. P.S. - we got a couple of special guest appearances who will help the good Doctor and hopefully encourage you.
In hour #2 it’s one more week till Mother’s Day and our first annual Natural Family Month blastoff. BJ and Mr. Anderson are about to load the rocket. But first, BJ has a few introspective questions for the unnatural crowd. For example: “When a man sees himself as a woman and marries a woman who thinks she is a man (neither one having had gender surgery) , just exactly how does that work?” Guest George Carneal, author of “From Queer to Christ” will be tasked with answering that and other off the wall BJ brain zaps.

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