Rempeyek Recipe - Indonesian Peanut Crackers

1 year ago

Rempeyek Recipe Tutorial Video

200g cut, half roasted peanuts
150g glutinous rice flour
150g rice flour
50g corn starch
65ml coconut milk
450ml ice water
1 egg
1 litre cooking oil
6 pieces kafir lime leaf, finely sliced
1 tsp mushroom stock or powder
0.5 tsp aromatic ginger
1.5 tsp coriander powder
1.5 tsp salt
0.5 tsp turmeric powder
3 cloves candlenut
4 cloves garlic

Preparation Time: 1 hour
Cooking Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 3 hours

1. Cut the peanuts in half & gently half roast them on a low heat for around ten minutes, then leave them to cool.
2. Individually grind all the spices.
3. Beat the egg & put it in a large bowl.
4. Add all the other ingredients except for the oil & peanuts.
5. Mix the batter thoroughly.
6. Heat the oil in a large shallow wok.
7. Using a large spoon, drizzle the batter around the rim of the wok, adding a few peanuts to each spoonful.
8. Repeat three or four times until you've gone all the way around the edge of the wok.
9. Lightly drizzle the oil around the edges, making sure the batter is covered with oil.
10. As it fries, lightly pull it down from the sides of the wok, towards the centre.
11. They take around 5 or 6 minutes to cook.
12. Once done, strain from the wok & leave them on grease proof paper, or a draining rack.
They should be light & very crispy.

Keep in a large air tight container.

Serving Suggestions:
Makes over 800g of crackers.

Rempeyek is commonly served in Indonesia with Nasi Pecel, but the peanut & lime flavour will go with a wide range of sauces, dips & chutneys, especially sweet chilli sauces.

Music by Music Unlimited from

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We welcome any feedback, comments or suggestions....

Bahasa Indonesia Resep....

200g dipotong, kacang setengah panggang
150 gram tepung beras ketan
150g tepung beras
50 gram tepung maizena
65 ml santan
450 ml air es
1 telur
1 sdt kaldu jamur
1 liter minyak goreng
4 siung bawang putih
6 lembar daun jeruk purut, iris halus
3 siung kemiri
0,5 sdt kunyit bubuk
1,5 sdt garam
1,5 sdt ketumbar bubuk
0,5 sdt kencur

Waktu Persiapan: 1 jam
Waktu Memasak: 2 jam
Total Waktu: 3 jam

1. Potong kacang menjadi dua & panggang perlahan dengan api kecil selama sekitar 10 menit, lalu biarkan hingga dingin.
2. Haluskan semua bumbu menjadi satu.
3. Kocok telur & masukkan ke dalam mangkuk besar.
4. Tambahkan semua bahan lainnya kecuali minyak & kacang tanah.
5. Campur adonan dengan seksama.
6. Panaskan minyak dalam wajan .
7. Dengan menggunakan sendok takaran tambahkan kacang, lalu tuang adonan di sekitar tepi wajan.
8. Ulangi tiga atau empat kali sampai Anda melewati tepi wajan.
9. Gerimis sedikit minyak di sekitar tepinya, pastikan adonan terlapisi minyak.
10. Saat digoreng, tarik perlahan dari sisi wajan, ke arah tengah.
11. Mereka membutuhkan waktu sekitar 5 atau 6 menit untuk memasak.
12. Setelah matang angkat dan tiriskan & biarkan di atas kertas minyak, atau rak pengering. teksturnya ringan & sangat renyah.

Simpan dalam wadah besar kedap udara.

Saran Penyajian:
Hasil dari satu resep kurang lebih 800g rempeyek.

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