This one’s 12 already!! 🥳

1 year ago


This time 12 years ago half my waters had broken and I was given pitocin, which come the afternoon had caused the contractions to be so bloody painful I was wishing I’d not said I didn’t want any pain relief….accept the bloody pain relief!! 🤣

Anyway around 10pm this one was born.

She’s changed my life in so many ways. I’ve learnt I’m not as patient as I thought or as I’d like to be, I can get ridiculously stomach churningly anxious, I hate that so many jobs are left or remain unfinished. I’m not perfect and I say I’m sorry A LOT, probably less than I should! I LOVE my ‘alone’ time (though with two dogs and four cats, I’m never really alone, lol)

Though she drives me absolutely crazy, and I’m getting greyer by the day, I wouldn’t have her any other way. I adore how sassy and confident she is, she’s sooooo sarcastic, funny and quick witted ~ I’m not, so never stand a chance(send help!) Shes beautiful, kind and caring. She’s stubborn, knows and speaks her own mind. She’s certainly her own person!

Having her makes my life all the more ‘interesting’.

HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY to this awesome human being that actually came out my vagina! 😆🥳

(No recent pics unless she says)

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