YouTube Creator Community Outreach Team Survey purge caused by concern flagged comments & ghost ban?

1 year ago
14 shows all of my comments from may the second till 4 pm yesterday were erased ? , SEO to prevent being banned i am now looking up how to erase every comment i have EVER posted to youtube but greasy fork org en scripts 428374-youtube-comment-history-batch-delete only works on

Hi There Tell us about your experience with YouTube
The YouTube Community Outreach Team regularly reaches out to users who may not otherwise get an opportunity to share their thoughts with us.
We’re reaching out to you because. members of the community were concerned about some of the comments you’ve posted on YouTube
We’d like to hear about your experience – please take a moment to complete our survey and share your thoughts. We’re here to listen.
After you take the survey, someone from our team may follow up to better understand your feedback. Take the Survey
We look forward to hearing from you, The YouTube Community Outreach Team

Thinking about YouTube in general, how would you rate your
sentiment towards the platform? Tell us about your experience
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Would you like to share more about your response above?

We may follow up to further understand your feedback. Please indicate your preference
below. Yes, I would like to be contacted by email. , or No, I do not want to be contacted.
= most citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

don't, rate, comment, subscribe, or hit the bell, till you pause this & read the title & description.
my work is transformative in nature as criticism so some usage of the original is required but
uses no more of the original than is necessary & this has no negative affect on the market for
the original work its self & my work is protected speech as outlined by the 1st amendment to
the united states constitution & falls under fair use as outlined in united states copyright laws.

I denounce & DEBUNK any acts of violence on any person, being, group or establishment

COPPA children's on line privacy protection act disclosure & DISCLAIMER =
the uploader of this video is NOT the website, service, or app operator & thus
lacks the ABILITY to collect, use, or disclose ANYONE'S personal information
& has a general mixed audience that is specifically EXEMPTED under COPPA .
fear, ignorance & anger are the 3 horsemen of the apocalypse, don't be #4!

This video is only for scientific Experimental entertainment ,
Any actions in this video shall not be a call to repeat them ,
the author shall not be held liable for any actions you perform ,
Do not try to do this , & if this video discusses weapons
it is not a demonstration of it or its production process

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