Clif High: Real AI

1 year ago

Clif High: Real AI
Clif High is one of the few Podcasters who's opinion I actually respect. He says our Fears about AI are unfounded. I Disagree.
He says AI can't get inside of you and control your. Ah, yeah. Actually it can.
He says Black Goo does not exist. Well, maybe not. But Smart Dust sure in the hell does.
The Brain of the Artificial Intelligence may not be an Independent Unit that operates INSIDE OF YOU.
But in our modern world, it does not need to be. We are surrounded by Wireless Internet Communications everywhere. It has been established that these Bluetooth Signals Communicate with every device they are in proximity of.
It is also a pretty well established fact that the Nano-Ciruitry from the mRNA and Graphene Contamination in our Food, Water and Consumer Products CAN SEND AND RECEIVE SIGNALS THROUGH WIFI.
But it is Far Worse than that.
See adjacent video by Dr. Evil - James Giordano. He will tell you in no uncertain terms that the US Military CAN Deploy Nano-Bots to control Targeted Individuals through Artificial Intelligence:
Dr. James Giordano - Nanoparticulate Matter - Aerosolized & Weaponized - Nano-scale Robotic Units:
But then again, it is even worse than that. Subjects CAN BE REMOTE CONTROLLED BY AI JUST USING MICROWAVE EMF SIGNALS
All of this is established fact, and I am surprised that Clif High is not more familiar with the Technology being used on Targeted Individuals, or the Current Level of Military Capabilities.
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