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May 19, 2010 🎺 My Spirit is withdrawn and My Hand removed... You Hypocrites, repent
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The Lord says… You Hypocrites, repent!…
My Hand is removed & My Spirit withdrawn
May 19, 2010 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Question asked by Timothy, for a sister in Christ… Lord, is this really the last Pentecost?
The Lord answered… Beloved, I have poured out My Spirit on all flesh, even as I was poured out for you from the beginning, yet no one comes to drink, not one is willing to receive of Me as I truly am. Yet I have indeed brought forth rain in its due season, both the former and the latter, and still the crop wanes bearing only bitter fruit.
Behold, the voice of The Lord your God has spoken, yet few have ears to hear; and among My people, there remains only a remnant who open their heart and listen… I tell you the truth, before Me stands a very proud people, multitudes of foolish children who can not discern their right hand from their left, for their knowledge is corrupt! All their thoughts and musings only serve to uphold their vile nature, for they do not retain God in their thoughts and from The Holy they are far removed!
Thus says The Lord… The churches of men are perverse, their ways corrupt, a wholly ignorant and vain people, multitudes of deceived children… A people who were to prepare My way before Me! Yet they have chosen another way which is more to their liking, a false image, corrupt doctrine full of selfishness and subtle deceits, practicing all things which I said they shall not do, traditions which I hate… A religion in vain!
Woe therefore, to all those who dwell in the churches of men, to all those who walk in their ways!… HYPOCRITES!… And of the hypocrite’s portion they shall surely receive, unless they repent and return to Me wholly and in truth, says The Lord.
For I tell you the truth, behold, I declare it to you plainly… If I were to come down to you and speak, as in the former manner, every one of these churches of men would bar My way before Me; even every one of them would cast Me out and seek to have Me arrested!…
And though they have not seen Me, I have indeed been amongst them; And as I live, says The Lord, I tell you, they have surely rejected Me!… For I have passed through, and they have refused Me; I have spoken, and they have shut their ears to Me; I have sent to them My messengers, and they have turned them all away!
Behold, My messengers have been cast out, arrested and persecuted without cause! Even the least of these, My servants, have been mistreated by these so-called people of faith! FOR THEY DO ALWAYS TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN!… From the least to the greatest, even every one of these churches of men blaspheme My name by all they say and do, even to the blaspheming of the Spirit!
Therefore I shall indeed remove My hand, and My spirit shall return to Me. For they have refused Me, days without end; long have they turned their backs on My guidance, pushing out the hand always against My correction, spitting in My face, striking Me upon the mouth… Indeed, My voice has become an abhorrence to them! For they reject every message I have sent to them through My prophets, turning to them always a deaf ear, seeking to stone them in word and by deed, slandering them in open and in secret!… THEY HAVE SURELY HATED ME! Says The Lord.
Have I not spoken to this already by the mouth of My prophet of old? Is it not written for you in your own language… ‚Make the heart of this people dull and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart, and shall turn and be healed.‘ Yet they have not returned to Me, nor will they repent; how then shall I heal them?
For only those who know they are sick seek out The Physician… Yet those who perceive themselves as well will in no wise come to Me, keeping Me at bay; they remain seated firmly in the darkness of their own understanding, resting upon their laurels by which they have highly esteemed themselves.
For one who peers through stained glass can not behold his own image, nor is he able to see those inside clearly; for he sees only an outline, a blur of color obscuring his vision. And those on the inside who peer outward remain blinded, able to perceive only a shadow of what truly is; holding up the hand against the brightness for fear of the noonday sun, which is about to come in. Thus they prefer the light filtered and the brilliance masked, by means of all this painted glass… What then shall a people such as this do, when night has fallen?
Therefore, thus says The Lord… It is time, I can wait no longer, for those who are Mine must be taken, the first election must be delivered. Behold, My hand is removed, and My Spirit is withdrawn from this world and from all these churches of men; even from every individual who refuses to give heed to My voice, and embrace My correction, has it departed already…
Behold, My anger is aroused in My jealousy and has come to the full! Therefore, that which was poured out on all flesh is removed; The One who stays lets! And soon another cup must be brought forth, even the chalice of The Father’s reckoning, the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation, as it is written!
Yet understand this and have peace, My beloved… Though the darkness be thick and wickedness overflow, with every man of pride who being wise in his own eyes is left confounded, I shall not make a total end. For My hand shall remain with the faithful, and My strength shall be revealed in My anointed… Behold, My Spirit shall well up within the hearts of the penitent and come upon My chosen as a welcomed rain, and they shall be greatly increased, shining ever brighter in the midst of all this darkness!
Yet My witnesses shall be beacons of hope to this lost and dying generation, men of valor who shall perform great exploits in the name of The Lord their Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel, He whose name is one with The Father! Therefore, behold The Lord’s purpose, for it shall be accomplished swiftly, it shall surely be done… From My left hand judgment shall be poured out upon the dissident, yet from My right hand My servants shall drink!… For I am The Lord and there is no other; there is none like Me!
Thus those I send shall receive a bounty, of that which I had laid up in store for them from the beginning. And those who have been chosen and bundled and set in their places shall be taken, for they were faithful… And they shall have rest and receive healing in the house of The Lord… For their places were prepared from the beginning, and at My right hand they shall remain forever, supping from the table of The Lord’s goodness which shall sustain them unto eternal life.
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