Masonic Cold War With Fellow Communists(Nuclear Warheads Still Don't Exist)

1 year ago

But now the ruling class and Freemasons have rebuilt their Tower-Of-Babel to rise their Fiery Phoenix from the ashes of the sheople. A.i. will wirelessly orchestrate the genocide of the sheeple who will not replace the traitors in positions of authority... poisoning the clot-shots and water and food... brainchipping the willing sheep.

Now that the sheople can witness the rising of the New World Order, they can understand why the Freemasons running the industrial military complex needed to convince the taxpayers to finance their war machine to subvert any nation where sheople were resisting their Luciferian governments.

Now that the A.i. supercomputer is running world governance for the Mystery School Cult of the Vatican's design, the time for the sheople to wake-up from the facade of democratic votes is revealed.

The Masonic propaganda films of 1945 were really eager to convince the public that the concrete chimneys and brick walls were strong enough to resist the impact of the fake nuclear blast a ground Zero. Obviously ground zero and the rest were fire bombed

Realize that 7% of the buildings were torn down after the fire bombing in order to create fire-breaks: That is likely why the School was partially pulled over... not from any nuclear blast. Just a bunch of Masons rigging the films of 1945.

Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Kerry, etc., everyone one leading the nations of the world are part of the NWO Cult commanded by the Vatican's Homo capensis, the satan-race, those old devils.


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