Bea Miller | This call is coming from inside the house | 8D AUDIO

1 year ago

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Original version belongs to :
/ @beamiller

Sitting in my underwear
Just me and my reclining chair
Nothing's wrong with me, I'm doing fine
Something changes in the air
I start to feel like someone's there
Hiding in my closet with a knife

I try to run and lock the door
I trip and fall on to the floor, I'm bleeding
Like the whore in horror movies

But I just tried to kill my mind because it's ruining my life
When I fucked up my words, did you forget what I said?
Did you think it was dumb or is it all in my head?
The bullet missed, was that a crime?

The truth is I'm a danger to myself
This call is coming from inside the house

If I could cry, I'd do it all the time
'Cause it seems really nice to let it go
I hope I won't spend all my time alone
'Cause if I do, I know I'm gonna let myself go crazy

I'm hiding in the attic
I don't wanna sound dramatic, but I'm dying
Don't know why the walls are moving

But I just tried to kill my mind because it's ruining my life
When I fucked up my words, did you forget what I said?
Did you think it was dumb or is it all in my head?
The bullet missed, was that a crime?

The truth is I'm a danger to myself
This call is coming from inside the house
The truth is I'm a danger to myself
This call is coming from inside the house

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