Obama, Biden, And Holder Could Be Indicted For The Murders of 3 US Citizens

1 year ago

TTiV Host Bobby Powell, with a little help from the ACLU, lays out a case for charging Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Eric Holder with the murder of a 16-year-old Muslim-American child named Abdulrahman al-Alawki after "Obama, and those working for him - the Obama/Biden/Holder Star Chamber - ordered the CIA to kill him in a drone strike.

Listen to ACLU attorney Nate Wessler, who sued the Obama administration over what Holder himself called, "extra-judicial killings," call them "Judge, jury, and executioner."

In Federalist Paper 47, Founding Father James Madison defined that as "the very definition of tyranny."

Also, during Justice Kavanugh's confirmation hearing, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham asked Kavanaugh whether an American citizen's rights follow them wherever they may go, and the future Justice replied in the affirmative. He said that American citizens accused of collaborating with the enemy still have a right to a trial before being executed by the federal government.

None of the three American-born Muslims who were killed had never even been charged with a crime, much less stood trial in either a civilian court or military tribunal, before the Obama/Biden/Holder Star Chamber ordered the CIA to kill them.

They were truly America's 1st "Tyrants," who murdered an innocent child with Obama's "pen and phone."

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