Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - May 5, 2023

1 year ago

Frontiers of Freedom Weekly Report - May 5, 2023

George Landrith, Dr. Joe Mangiacotti, Tom Donelson and Dr. Larry Fedewa discuss:

A record high majority of Americans by a 2 to 1 margin now believe that the 2020 was impacted by cheating.

The Left is attacking the Supreme Court — particularly conservatives on the Court to grease the skids for a political take-over of the judicial branch.

The economic news is not good — slow, stagnant economic growth; real wages continue to lose ground because of high inflation; a shockingly high number of banks are at risk for insolvency; and Biden is sending military to the border — not to secure it, but to help get the border crossers more quickly on their way to America’s interior; and the lame stream media lies to us about it all to cover for and help Joe Biden seem not so horrible.

How do the 2024 elections looks for the GOP to pick up Senate seats and maintain or expand their majority in the House? Could Lee Zeldin win against incumbent Senator Kirsten Gillibrand?

A veteran and two other passengers on the subway subdued a violent and threatening passenger but he ended up dying and so now the three riders are being charged with murder. This is what happens when the Left refused to enforce the law and private citizens must step up to fill the void.

Russia has a problem with Russian men changing their gender to avoid getting sent to the war in Ukraine.

Our military can’t meet their recruiting needs so the Biden Administration is employing drag queens to help the military recruit. No wonder our adversaries don’t respect us or fear us.

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