Electric Blues Boogie Guitar Lick, Learn It, Play It - Brian Kloby Guitar

1 year ago

Expanding your blues rock lead guitar soloing vocabulary. In this guitar lesson video you will get A COOL AND EASY TO USE LEAD GUITAR LINE TO PULL INTO YOUR GUITAR PLAYING. Rock out with this inspiring boogie blues, classic blues rock style guitar lick and enjoy the Mojo.
Beginner, intermediate and advanced guitarists alike will get huge mileage out of the electric guitar riffs and licks shared in this informative and helpful guitar lesson tutorial series.
The guitar licks and riffs I show in this series of guitar lesson videos will add quality melodic content to your guitar playing. You can sprinkle them directly to your guitar leads quickly when you have them under your fingers. In many cases they can be peppered into your rhythm playing, too!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ENg1NPO7wxn6sAyW5wXNm
Internet Guitar Lessons Online: http://www.fivestarguitarlessons.com/internet-guitar-lessons-online-with-brian-kloby/
Bandcamp: https://briankguitar.bandcamp.com/
Website: http://www.briankguitar.com/
Beginner, intermediate and advanced guitarists alike will get huge mileage out of the electric guitar riffs and licks shared in this informative and helpful guitar lesson tutorial series.
Enjoy an increase in creativity while expanding your musical understanding by knowing more licks and riffs to play on your guitar. Why wait any longer? climb aboard with this guitar video lesson tutorial and have some fun!

#BluesGuitarLicksLesson #BluesGuitarRiffLesson #BluesGuitarLessons

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