Yu-Gi-Oh Omega: Numeron Dragon OTK

1 year ago

I usually use Rumble as a vessel for Troll content but sadly im tired of that. But I will still keep my troll vids up for the sake of bad historical events.

YGO Omega (A fangame a year older than Master Duel) has a real rough and tough play enviornment and your veyr unlikley to pull out wins and gain ranks. And i usually play against AI bots.

Not this time tho, ive decided to stop being a pussy and play against an actual player and walla i whopped their ass in a miracle with Numeron Dragon.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZupBqy_vKZo&t=187s&pp=ygURdXRvcGlhIGNvbWJvIGRlY2s%3D deck used

https://omega.duelistsunite.org/ (Requires a Discord Account to Play Online.)

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