Rahan. Episode Eight. The Long Claw. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.

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1 year ago


Episode eight.

The long claw.

The young chimpanzee missed none of the savage fight that pitted his lifelong enemy, "Baha-le-puma" against "the man-with-the-long-claw".
Greek! Greek!

This man was Rahan.
And the “long claw” was an ivory knife with which he struck the side of the beast.

The puma finally sagged with a hoarse growl and the triumphant clamor of the son of fierce ages thundered through the jungle.

Page Two:

Rahan saw the monkey.
Baha will not be devouring you, four-hands!
Ha-ha!-ha! You thank Rahan!
Greek! Greek!

Rahan called "Four-Hands" these nimble beings who were part of the "Those-who-run-in-the-trees" horde.

This one gave a few joyful cries and disappeared in the foliage.
"Those-who-run-in-the-trees" look like "those-who-walk-upright", thought Rahan.

What a pity they don't speak!
Exhausted by the long run that had preceded this fight, he hoisted himself up on a branch and dozed off.

Although he was an extremely light sleeper, he did not hear the rustling of the vines above him.

Page Three:

When a rustle woke him, his hand flew to the branch where he had stuck his knife.
It had disappeared!

Without his knife, Rahan cannot fight!
Lurking on a nearby branch the female of "Baha" was watching him!

Screams suddenly drowned out the growl of the beast that was about to pounce.
Four hands! Oh!
Greek! Greek!
The monkey was swinging from the end of a vine.
And it clutched the ivory knife!

The flying blade delivered a mortal blow to the puma, and it tumbled into the void.

"Four-hands stole Rahan's knife!!
"Four-hands" must give it back to him!
The monkey grimaced and gesticulated happily. Proud of his achievement.
Greek! Greek!

Page Four:

But seemed reluctant to return the long claw.
You wanted to imitate Rahan and you saved him.
Rahan thanks you but you have to give him that knife, "Four Hands".

Don't run away!
Come back! Come back!
Rahan doesn't have four hands like you!
He can't chase you!

With the astonishing agility of his kind the monkey flew from tree to tree.
Greek! Greek!

Taunting the man one last time he pirouetted on a branch and disappeared into his realm of greenery.
"Four-hands” is not fair!

It will take moons and moons for Rahan to polish such a strong, sharp knife!
Rahan felt distraught.

Page Five:

Since his adolescence this cutlass was his only asset.
In those savage times when it was necessary to kill in order not to be killed, this knife had allowed him to survive.

Rahan will find "Four Hands"
The son of Crao dominated the ocean of foliage from the top of the great tree.

Where was "Four Hands"?
"Those-who-run-in-the-trees" live in clans, thought Rahan.
"Four-hands" probably took the knife to his people!

Indeed, a few arrow flights away, the chimpanzee showed off the "long claw" he had stolen from the man.
Greek! Greek!

He mimicked Rahan's gestures in front of his clan and they marveled.

Page Six:

Rahan would have already found any other opponent!
But "Those-who-run-In-the-Trees" Leave no traces behind them!

Where was "Four Hands"?
Enraged Rahan was about to abandon this strange world of foliage and vines when.

A very young monkey harassed a porcupine.
The little "Four-Hands" will lead me to his clan!

Engaged in his game, the little chimpanzee did not notice the shrub which approached him.
Greek! Greek!

He didn't have time to dodge the man.
Rahan who knew how to be as silent as the serpent, could also be quicker than the panther.

Page Seven:

A moment later a thin vine entrapped young monkey.
When daylight returns, the little "Four Hands" will lead Rahan to his brothers!

The son of Crao fell asleep as usual in a fork of branches, and left his curious captive attached to the roots of the tree.

His cries of terror roused him from his sleep.

A huge reptile crawled towards the young monkey who could not escape it.
If the little "Four-hands" dies it will be Rahan's fault!

But he will not die!
Rahan's bellow echoed through the night as he dove towards the snake.

Page Eight:

Rahan only knows one way to kill the "demon-of-the-tall-grass".
Break its skull!

Rahan twirled, and twirled.
And the head of the reptile whipped the tree with such force that the bark burst.

The chimpanzee was stamping its feet with joy as the rings of the dead monster slowly unraveled.

What do you want?
Do you also thank Rahan?!
The young monkeys hand patted the man’s shoulder.
Greek! Greek!

Oh Rahan Understand!
You want to be taken to your own!

Page Nine:

Shortly after, in the dawn light, Rahan followed his guide on the perilous trail of branches.

He had freed the chimpanzee and it was not trying to run away.
He was swinging from tree to tree.

And waits for the man to join him there before continuing on his way.

And suddenly Rahan heard the cries of the clan.
He saw the masses of monkeys on a big tree.

Where is "Four Hands"?

Greek! Greek!
Flying from vine to vine the young chimpanzee was already rejoining his family.

Page Ten:

Rahan means no harm to the Tree People.
Rahan is simply coming to get his knife that one of yours stole from him!

The son of Crao grabs a long vine to swing to the monkeys.
But a danger he didn't know hovered over him.

No sooner had he launched into the void than the "long claw" swooped down!

The vine parted, and he fell to the ground.

The monkeys tumbled from the branches, and rushed towards the stunned man.

Page Eleven:

Rahan, who was only stunned, felt the multitude of fingers that poked at his body.

But he did not see the clan leader snatch the "Long claw" from "Four-hands".

The Monkey was about to plunge the ivory blade into his chest when.

The young chimpanzee intervened, clinging to the leader's arm.
The leader threw him back roughly.

And lifted the knife again!
But this brief respite allowed Rahan to recover his senses.
He glimpsed the ivory blade.

Page Twelve:

His legs suddenly coiled and his feet struck the hairy chest.

The vine he still hugged hissed like a whip, disarming the leader of the clan.

But Rahan did not have time to jump towards the knife falling on the ground.
"Four-Hands" had seized it all over again.

And disappeared in the thickets with the "long claw", so precious and coveted.

The monkeys grimaced and jumped around their still gasping leader.
They showed no hostility towards "the-one-walking-upright".
Which was already pursuing "Four-Hands".

Page Thirteen:

Rahan will never catch "the-four-handed-knife-thief!"

At that moment the Son of Ages forgot that he himself had stolen the ivory weapon from his Lake Clan enemies once.

"Four-Hands" must have been more playful and facetious than bad because he sometimes appeared on a low branch.
Greek! Greek!

Taunting his pursuer.
You will not defy Rahan forever "Four-Hands"!

Rahan rushed forward and the monkey disappeared only to reappear in the foliage.
Behind him!

Page Fourteen:

This pursuit must have delighted him because his cries occasionally evoked the laughter of “Those-who-walk-standing”!
Hi-hi! Greek!

Since Rahan can't reach you, he will trap you!

The son of Crao knew how much "Those-who-run-in-the-trees" were fond of certain fruits.

He placed these at the foot of a large dead tree, but also prepared something else nearby.

That intrigued “Four Hands” a great deal, as he observed from the high branches.

Page Fifteen:

The monkey hesitated for a long time, but his greed prevailed.
On the lookout in the bushes, Rahan, saw him approach the bait.

Rahan knows how to catch fish.
But he has never fished for "Those-who-run-in-the-trees" yet!

Rahan was laughing to himself.
When "Four-Hands" grabbed a fruit, he pulled sharply on the long vine.

And the trapped monkey felt lifted from the ground, entwined.
You are at the mercy of Rahan "Four-Hands!"

You will have to give him back his knife!!
Suddenly anxious, Rahan lunges!

Page Sixteen:

But it was too late.
The angry and furious monkey had slipped the "long claw" into a hole in an enormous hollow tree!

"Four-Hands" is stupid!
Neither he nor Rahan will be able to take back the knife!
To recover the weapon it would have been necessary to uproot the tree!

Go find the people of the trees!
Rahan thinks that you are too stupid to take vengeance upon!

And Rahan will have to defend his life!
The son of fierce ages pointed to the horned monster that sprang from the thickets.

As the monkey jumped into the lower branches, the rhinoceros charged at Rahan.

Page Seventeen:

Who narrowly evaded it!
"Four-Hands" exulted at the man's feint.

It is a good time to be on my side, "Four-Hands"!
If you had not acted so stupidly, Rahan could face the "Taroak"!

Rahan's face suddenly lit up, and the amazed monkey saw him jump from the branch.

And rush to meet the rhinoceros!
Rahan does not fear you, “Taroak”!

The monstrous head swayed from left to right and the “Taroak” charged the man again.

Page Eighteen:

Rahan should have made abrupt and sudden swerves to shake off this formidable, but not very agile opponent.

But he was content to run straight ahead, the huge horned monster hot on his heels!
Ha-ha-ha! Run faster “Taroak”! Run Faster!

Rahan rushed towards the dead tree, as if to take refuge there.
But his goal was quite different.

Two steps from the hollow trunk he threw himself aside.
The flank of the running rhino brushed against him.


Page Nineteen:

Rahan's cry of victory mingled with the cracking of the dead tree.

At the base of the hollow trunk the ivory knife appeared, towards which the son of Crao leapt.

“Four-Hands” maintained silence in his refuge. What was happening before his eyes amazed him.

"He who walks upright" had leapt on the spine of the "Taroak" and, clinging to its horns, struck, and struck, and struck.

He suddenly abandoned his monstrous mount which continued its course.
To go on and collapse at the end of the clearing.

Page Twenty:

The fierce and triumphant clamor of the son of Crao thundered once more over the jungle.

You are not coming to steal Rahan's knife here, "Four-Hands"!
The monkey watched the man slide the "long claw" into its sheath.

No doubt he felt sorry for being deprived of the marvelous weapon, but he no longer had any desire to challenge this being who knew everything, who could do everything!

Farewell "Four-Hands", return to the people of the trees.
Rahan, he is going to find his brothers, "Those-who-walk-upright"!

The strangeness of this story should not be surprising.
Because this happened thousands of years ago in those savage times when man and ape could fight over a single knife all day.

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