JoshReid 33Ghz DNA war 5G "Ascension" Part 1

1 year ago

12.09.22 Patriot Streetfigher with Joshua Reid - Show #2 (That is the full title. Do not get confused with the next links.)
Part 2 >
Part 3 >
Should have simply recorded the entire episode, but cut out non-educational portions, in order to save viewers a little time, also speeding up the copied playback. We don't need to agree on all views, opinions, beliefs, etc., nor must we all be highly intellectual, in order to understand the basics of this knowledge. You should find most of what Josh shares rather mind-blowing, simply because it meets logical, common sense.

Let's back up and bit and looking at Genesis. God's spirit was moving back and forth across the waters, before creating and, subsequently, when creating all things and living beings. Sound requires movement. Ever hear a sound without something being or having been moved? Our Creator used sound frequency to produce imagery, causing elements within the universal cosmos to be arranged, placed and form everything that there is. Even colors take in and give off (receive and transmit) their own unique frequency of light, absorbing and reflecting. Everything we see and everything that is in existence is energy (spirit) shaped, stacked and packed in such a specific manner to take its own unique form.

What in most mind-blowing, is that IF everything within our souls (body+spirit) and the Source without were not constantly in communication, we and everything else would cease to exist!
It would be as if "God'', or YAH, died. Thankfully, our God is NOT dead!
HelluYAH! (also spelled IAH) What makes "Him" sometimes seem to appear dead to some souls, is simply the lack of "soul-search", or low level conscience / consciousness, failing to search from within and connect to the higher conscious of the Universe, which IS "GOD" and very much alive.. and constantly moving. Of this subject, we could go on for hours and days at a time. We just hope you'll take a look around (seek) and your eyes be open to SEE (find) that LIFE surrounds you, within this material darkness.

One more significantly important fact to point out is that ha satan (the enemy) has been deemed, by the living Word (and Messiah), a lord (master) of the air. Not just a bag of hot wind, but of invisible frequencies that can and do effect our bodies' minds (thoughts) and, in turn, spiritual hearts (emotional desires). Think! E=energy + MOTION. We exist within an electro-magnetic UNIVERSAL (One Word/Song) cosmos, where everything is connected. However, some are more drawn to or connected to the Light and others to the darkness, some to the Spirit, others to material, physical desires. Either one is a servant or one is a slave. Either a child of construction or destruction. There is NO in between, or gray area, unless your are double-minded, having one foot over here and the other over there, making you unsteady in your spiritual journey, as a fleshly human temple. You're either a "JEDI" warrior or you go to "the DARK SIDE". Only the courageous fight the darkness and strong win against it, by overcoming "sin" (repenting from mistakes, due to already corrupted thinking, by inheritance and damaged DNA). Once the first true human beings were formed in the Elohim's (those angels who make up Yah's singular "body" of light) they were corrupted by the influence of a wise and sly lucifer (light bearer), so had to be clothed, or redressed, in "animal skins" (mortal bodies) OR they continue to live everlasting in the evil corruption. They were not just banished from Eden (east garden), but set free, slaves unto themselves. So, over and over, again and again, Yah calls out for us to listen, learn, obey. Simply follow the straight, narrow, steep path of our Messiah (Y'shua, Yeshua, or Yahoshua) and you'll be fine, not matter what. HalleluYAH!

Pray for the weak ones, live in the Light.
They only surrender, we constantly fight!
NUMBERS 6:24-26

Ωmega Knigh†s
Messianic Warriors

Genesis 2:7
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Revelation 20:14
1 Corinthians 15:26
James 1:19-27
Hebrews 10:26

We are being transformed, even this moment!
Our solar system is approaching its galactic core.
(reference SuspiciousObservers / Ben Davidson)

This is why it is written;
He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still. (Rev. 22:11)

If you remain positive and clean, you shall remain so.
If you remain in sin, you will also be locked into that negative mindset, during this transformation transition.

Romans 6:1
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase?
Allow me to interpret this for better modern minded thinking.
What can we say, therefore?!
Are we supposed to remain sinful, expecting even more mercy!?


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