How To Bounce Back From A Shockingly Bad Daygame Session | The Complete No BS Guide

1 year ago

Had the daygame session from hell and now you feel like a worthless turd? We got you bro!

In this video, London daygame coach Kristian Kasanova and his daygame coaching client, Efrem, walk you through how to bounce back from an atrocious daygame session.

Understand that having a bad daygame session is completely normal and it happens to the best of us. If you went out and you tried cold approaching but, for whatever reason, things didn't go your way then this daygame video has been made specifically for you.

And if you have been inspired by this daygame coaching video and you are ready to take massive action so you can finally feel in control of your dating life then hit the link below and apply to work with London daygame coach Kristian Kasanova 1 on 1.


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