Right vs Right, the Conspiracy Question - part 2

1 year ago

Is the heart of conspiratorial thinking today a pursuit of what's actally correct, or is it the pursuit of something that's fundamentally right... wing? Is this a function of the increasing unreality in today's socio-political debates, on both sides of the spectrum? In my last couple videos I looked at how Caleb Maupin, a socialist leftist who appears to be at least somewhat JQ-aware, attempted to alternatively define the Jewish influence since WWII without actually talking about the Jews, and here I look at a discussion between Tim Kelly and Don Jeffries, both JQ-aware, framed around RFK Jr. and Tucker "the Fucker" Carlson that constantly flips back and forth between pursuit of real truth and the pursuit of rightwing Truth. In that discussion emerges the formative influence on both of the John Birch Society, the very definition of the extreme right in the '60s and '70s, and also clearly a root of today's "conspiratorial view of history". Finally, I take a look at E. Michael Jones and his latest encounter with the rightwing Jew Charles Moskowitz and ask the question, is Jones' Jewish Revolutionary Spirit the product of leftism, or is leftism the product of the Jewish Revoltionary Spirit? And what will happen on the right if American Jews make the shift to the right that Mosky predicts - or has that already happened to a notable degree, as I would claim? But here we have the main mission of Mosky being the shifting away of blame from the Jews today, just as may have been the case with Larry Abraham in the JBS in the 20th century.

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