Deutsche Wochenschau Part 5 - Oct. - Dec. 1940

1 year ago

PART 5:  OCTOBER - DECEMBER 1940  (131 MIN.):
Friends, please keep in mind, this footage is from 1939…almost 100 years old, so please don’t complain about the quality. The Quality is at Best unrestored VHS quality. The historic value here is important, please enjoy the complete 1939-1945 German WW2 NewsReels.
Die Deutsche Wochenschau was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of Nazi Germany from June 1940 until the end of World War II. The coordinated newsreel production was set up as a vital instrument for the mass distribution of Nazi propaganda at war.
All reels are in Original unedited German Language only.

Bountiful Vegetable Harvest in Germany; Autobahn Construction in Austria; Japanese Bombers Attack Burma Road; Victorious U-boats Return to Bases; Japan Takes Over Formerly French Indochina.; German Housing Settlements in Wartha Region; Berlin and Hamburg Children relocated to Safe Havens in Countryside; Flak Batteries Duel English Night Bombers; Memorial Services Honor Fallen Soldiers in Flanders; Coastal Batteries and Luftwaffe Planes Attack British Convoys in the Channel; Romanian earthquake Prompts German Aid; Italian Front Lines in North Africa; Ethnic Germans Depart Bessarabia for Germany; Romania's Antonescu and Slovakia's Tuka also sign Tripartite Pact; Victory in the West Exhibit Opens in Vienna; Luftwaffe stages a Massive Raid on Coventry; Daring Exploits of U-boat Lieutenant Kretschmer; Mountain Troop Artillery Exercise In Austrian Alps; Birmingham in Flames; Admiral Raeder Launches Battleship Bismarck; Surface Battle with an Armed British Steamer; Field Marshal Von Brauchitsch Visits Troops in the East; King Michael of Romania Reviews a Parade of German Troops in Bucharest; The completion of Oslo-Bergen Highway in Norway; Wounded Soldiers make Christmas Toys for Children; Japanese Planes Bomb Chiang Kai-shek's Supply Lines on Burma Road; Abducted Spanish Civil War Children Return Home from France; Life in Warsaw is back to Normal Again; Captured British Submarine is Converted to a U-boat;German Soldiers on Guard Duty in Stormy Weather

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