Satan’s Ministers in Christendom

1 year ago

Anyone who says God’s written word can't be trusted is repeating the Devil’s lie. In most cases, the Jesus portrayed by the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches, the Protestant denominations, and the Baptist denominations differs from the Jesus portrayed in the Bible.

These mainline churches teach the King James Bible and all Bible versions are untrustworthy because they contain translation errors. When it all boils down, what these ministers and teachers are really saying is that God’s written word isn’t trustworthy. So, if God’s written word isn’t trustworthy, then who or what is trustworthy when it involves matters of the faith? The sad truth for Christendom is only its church leaders, its accredited scholars, or a personal relationship with Jesus by way of a born-again experience with the Holy Spirit are trustworthy.

This video is part of an edited Zoom recording from the April 27, 2022, Bible study. Paul’s Gospel is teaching truths that are not being taught in mainstream Christian churches or in Bible studies. If you are being instructed, edified, and assured by the teachings in these videos, please download the videos and share them or the links with others.

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