BLUE WISH DESIRE 0.40 first serious try - Stage2-Boss

5 years ago

Fast paced, sense of power, blood pumping music pick, this project's got it all.

A WIP game by X.X of Blue Wish and Eden's fame, Blue Wish Desire is a Bullet Hell game, and the sequel to Blue Wish Resurrection Plus, packaged with some new systems, particularly a revised special attack system from Eden's Aegis. It doesn't auto regen, but instead you get energy from kills and damaging heavy enemies with your focus stance. Once it's charged, you can go ham by engaging the game's Hyper system, which is of Dodonpachi fame. If you get hit in Hyper mode, your remaining time in Hyper mode takes the brunt of the attack instead of the auto guard. Oh, and do be warned that the enemy will be aggro'd in this state. That results in more bullets, but the bullets closest to the origin will be cancelled upon unit destruction, converted to items.

There's also a revision to how hidden chests are found. Any large ground enemy you see will now drop one upon death, so this gives you more opportunities to score big.

The soundtrack is provided by Cyber Rainforce's [3104 material] MP3 library.

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