BREAKING NEWS 2023: These Prophetic Events Will SHOCK The Whole World!

1 year ago

104,093 views Apr 15, 2023 VERENIGDE STATEN
At the beginning of 2023, it was claimed by Israel News that Saudi Arabia intends to restore relations with Israel within the next twelve months. And under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, the new Israeli administration has high aspirations for advancing the peace process in the Middle East. Our generation sees the sprouting of the fig tree and all trees as described in (Luke 21 verses 29 and 30.) Thus, this video is about the revitalization of the Middle East that is taking place as a direct result of the desire shown by all of the neighboring Arab nations to reach a peace agreement with Israel.

In the United States, the Abraham Accords get very little attention from the media, but the recent events have caused prophetic alarm bells to sound. The prophetic Word is sure and sure; we must pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place (2 Peter 1:19). The way the Abrahamic Accords link various predictions about the end of time is a fascinating study from a biblical viewpoint. In the year 2020, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the United States of America came together to sign a series of accords known as the Abraham Accords.

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