kicks PT2

1 year ago

ما عليك سوى الانتساب إلى هذه القناة للاستفادة من المزايا:
Rear Kick

From a Neutral Bow, hands up for balance and protection, look behind as you Cat your rear leg up to front leg. Kick behind you with heel of foot
Spinning Back Kick

From neutral bow, turn backwards and bring rear leg up to front leg in cat, look behind and thrust cat leg backwards, landing forward in opposite bow
Chicken Kick
Cat with front leg then do a front leg front ball snap kick, leaving knee in the air, then a quick jumping rear leg front ball snap kick. Move back to neutral bow after landing
Side Chicken Kick
Front leg side kick, keep knee high after kick then rear leg instep kick in same direction
Back Chicken Kick
Cat rear leg forward and do a back kick with cat leg. Before that leg lands, do a back kick with the other leg
From forward bow, grab attacker around neck, pull them in close and tight and drive knee into their midsection. Leg down and skip into opposite bow and repeat
Spinning Crescent Kick
From neutral bow, back leg comes up partially bent, twist body backwards and swing back leg around to strike with outside of foot
Hook Kick

Side kick then bend knee and pull heel back towards you into attacker

Ax Kick

Natural stance Bring leg across body and up in the air back towards body and slap bottom of foot down on attackers opposite shoulder and land heel of foot on ground

Front Scoop
Front leg up, into attackers groin with instep and pull back towards you
Rear Scoop
Bend rear leg at knee, heel up quickly kicking up into attackers groin with heel and pull towards you
Shovel Kick

Done with attacker on the ground. Do a low Ball Kick that continues into a thrusting kick with the heel of the foot. This is to be done in one fluid motion

الإتحاد المصرى للكيمبو ( تحت التأسيس )
Egyptian Kempo Federation
WFMC -Egypt and Noth Africa
تعليم الفنون القتالية والعاب الدفاع عن النفس وقتال الشوارع
Teaching martial arts and self defense and street fighting

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