Scorpio Lunar Eclipse May 5th 2023. South Node Eclipse last Chance for Final Endings ♈️♉️♊️

1 year ago

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse May 5th 2023. South Node Eclipse last Chance for Final Endings ♈️♉️♊️

#scorpiolunareclipse #eclipses #Astrology #RelashionshipAstrology

Our first lunar eclipse for 2023 comes to us May 5th in Scorpio, an intense water sign. The lunar eclipse occurs at 14 degrees 58 minutes Scorpio at 1:33 PM EST

6 months ago there was a new moon in Taurus at 16 degrees of Taurus do you remember what you initiated then? This was the eclipse that happened in November at 2 degrees Scorpio.
This is a south node eclipse and Pluto the modern ruler is highly active square the nodes at the time of the eclipse. Whatever is ending is something that we know it is something that we have held on to for a while because perhaps we have been in denial this eclipse is going to rip it out of our hands.

So if a relationship job, living situation or whatever it maybe comes to an end, it will be final there will not be any reconciliation, going back because a south node eclipse in Scorpio will bring final endings so we just have to purge, let go and transform.
The last time there was a lunar eclipse at the same degree was
Lunar Eclipse May 4 2004 14° Scorpio 42′
Remember what happened at that eclipse it will show you the area or house that you experienced the eclipse, similar themes will be brought up. They will not be exactly the same because the outer planets are in different signs

Uranus is at 18.41 degrees of Taurus, this is the exact degree of the Mars Uranus conjunction that happened at the beginning of August last year so this conjunction is being triggered and reactivated for the last time by a south node solar eclipse in Scorpio. A southnode eclipse will be about limitation excretion and letting go so expect major endings. We won’t have an eclipse in Scorpio for at least 9 years .

The sun is at 14 58 of Taurus opposite the moon at 14 58 degrees of Taurus definition of a new moon
The north node is at 3 35 degrees of Taurus making this lunation a lunar eclipse

Mars in Cancer ruler of eclipse dealing with family endings and emotions

Moon sextile Mars mutual reception working together towards releasing old things from the past
Mars in Cancer detriment ruler moon Mars ruler of south node in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio detriment ruler Mars
Mars sextile Uranus
Mercury retrograde at 8 degrees of Taurus
Uranus at 18 41 of Taurus
Venus at 27 degrees of Gemini is in a wide out of sign trine with Saturn at 5 degrees of Pisces
Venus is the ruler of the transiting north node in a very harmonious aspect with Saturn is very positive because Saturn will be supporting the decisions we make and Venus is moving us confidently towards our destiny
Mercury retrograde in Taurus was cazimi the su a few days ago on May 1st the cazimi aspect may have brought up some missing information making things clear. Mercury in Taurus is being hosted by Venus the ruler of the north node and Venus is transiting Gemini being hosted by Mercury so there is a mutual reception going on here. Our mind and communication is in sync with our values, possessions. Wait for Mercury to go direct before you make any life changing decisions because we are also in the middle of eclipse season.
Venus square Neptune
Venus is sextile Chiron opportunity for healing so Venus in Gemini wants to talk about our wounding

This lunar eclipse is widely opposite transit (moving) Uranus in Taurus and Mercury retrograde in Taurus. Uranus is the planet of the sudden and unexpected, so the opposition to Uranus may show we experience some sudden, unexpected developments with this eclipse. Something may change quite rapidly, and we have to adjust on the fly. Something may happen that impacts a wide swath of people, and we need to be flexible in how to fix it.

Quincunxes between the moon in Scorpio at 14 degrees and Chiron at 17 degrees of Aries
Venus at 27 degrees of Gemini quincunxes Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius
Rulers of the lunar eclipse Mars at 21 degrees of Cancer, he is in detriment in this sign because he is exalted in Capricorn and Pluto is at 0 degrees of Aquarius
The moon is in detriment in the sign of Scorpio because it’s exhalted in the sign of Taurus so this lunar eclipse will make us extra sensitive and emotional.
Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces is in an out of sign sextile with Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius

There is a wide water trine with Mars 21 degrees of Cancer the moon at 14 degrees of Scorpio and Neptune at 26 degrees of Pisces bringing extra healing energy to the water signs and water placements.
Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius is in a wide out of sign square with Jupiter at 27 degrees of Aries

Scorpio rules the 8th house other peoples Money secrets sex death and transformation sexual reproductive organs elimination purging hidden things like what’s is under ground Pluto square the nodes is digging up stuff hidden information deep hidden old secrets from our past about big money joint money banks
full moons can be full of intense emotional energy, and that's even more the case with a Scorpio lunar eclipse. We feel everything so deeply, and are impacted by everything on another level. We have little patience for superficiality, and we want to get to the heart of matters.
#aries #taurus #gemini

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