19-52D: Unified Awareness

1 year ago

19-52D: Unified Awareness

What is being understood by your mental and emotional body is that the soul has incarnated consciousness into bodies. The soul is the energy of source and provides sentient spirits with individual essence to live, be and create. This becomes the multidimensional aspect where you see past the 3D timelines and the 4D energy waves which are both manifestations of 5D Conscious Multidimensional Awareness. From this point the awareness of the sentient being, mind or mental body is an operational construct in the fourth dimension and has relative components the astral, emotional and lower logical mind of physical sentience are coordinated.

The fundamentals of sacred geometrical sixth dimensional patterns formed from radiated pulsations of seventh dimensional vibrations establish primacy of energetic selection with the sentient 5D conscious awareness. The fourth dimension offers the variety of contrast and probability through the interweaving timelines that surge through the lens of 5D focus connected into 3D and its attendant dimensional foundations of the second and first dimension. When time slows down and stops creation focuses on enjoying the now of the fifth dimension.

In the highest physical dimensions space-time is creative source energy that moves from infinite to finite. When space-time is infinite it exists as abstract grids, theoretical zones or mathematical coordinates. When space-time is finite it operates as localized gravity, concentrated dark matter and the void of nothingness. As the central strand, string or essence of energy creates within active interrelationship space-time curves to create spin, polarity, vibration and consciousness. Space-time is the essence of energy and matter. When in interaction they spin and curve to become vortexes. These vortexes of energy are portals of time and space being that they exist as scalable black holes and or points of light.

Each metaphysical dimensional layer operates within the framework of the space-time medium topological fabric of the fifth dimension. In decreasing or increasing spin between energy and matter there is equalization on the fifth dimensional platform. This is where light exists as non-polarized unified energy that operates as both space and time or as the consciousness in the eternal now. Matter and energy operate as elemental foundations of the second dimension, particularized matter of the third dimension, emotional variety of the fourth, unity and connectivity in the fifth dimension, paradigmatic patterns of the sixth dimension, radiant pulsation in the seventh, soul intelligences in the eight and spiritual agreement of the divine plan in the ninth. The tenth and the first are divine singularities resolved through the mirror of the dimensional experience.

In the above understanding dimensional planetary energy slows down through the concordance with the fundamental principle of the divine plan. Soul intelligences energize radiant pulsations to provide new opportunities, form, purposes that come allow sentient beings conscious awareness to expand connectivity, emotional variety of contrast and enjoyment. In physical manifested realms the laws of attraction and separation manifest specific timeline purposes and clothe reality into context with the building blocks of energetic essence.

The wholeness of the Mayan calendar is a collective agreement of the ninth dimensional divine planners that created a landscape of source energies to open the fifth dimensional portal. A unified humanity can enjoy higher conscious awareness of seventh and eight dimensional collective soul agreements. Through each preceding age, eon or underworld the point of view is reality. In this reality the point of view is the awakening of a telepathic capacity that is a function of fifth dimensional oneness. It removes the barriers of emotion and physical matter so that the fifth dimensional oneness can be a coalesced vision. Matter is no longer third dimensional barrier and emotion is no longer a fourth dimensional misalignment or a dis-ingredient. Unified multidimensional awareness becomes a catalyzing power to communicate intention into the fifth dimensional membrane of a spiritualized conscious creation.

These steps taken so that the spirits of the soul can be the point of higher light where in all the lives and dreams that are experienced by the lower ego and astral mind are found to be held in a coordinated matrix. This matrix is where the soul can see the facets of consciousness operating in parallel and the series of experiences throughout all the time lines of expansion and experience. There is now a coming home to oneself so that there in continuity and appreciation for the contrast evolution requires and the ascension of enlightenment that all beings operate within.

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