[OLD] How to Install HENkaku on PS Vita & PSTV on Firmware 3.74 - Downgrade, Ensō, Plugins, & More!

4 years ago

The PS Vita is an awesome handheld worth revisiting, but what truly unlocks the greatness of this console is the power of homebrew. This tutorial will go through the process of taking any PlayStation Vita console on firmware 3.74 and modifying it with h-encore² with the goal of launching third party homebrew, games, applications, and more. However it doesn't stop there. This goes through the process of downgrading to the more compatible 3.60 firmware, remodifying the consoles with HENkaku, and making the modification launch on coldboot with HENkaku Ensō!

The end-goal here being a successfully downgraded, coldbooting, modified Vita with a few starter plugins as well as pieces of homebrew to create a solid foundation for using the Vita. All the heavy lifting of the modification process itself is covered here while further recommendations and improvements are available in additional videos. Be sure to look in the "Additional Vita Videos" section of this description for more!

Despite this video being recorded and performed on firmware 3.73, the same software and methods will work on 3.74! The title and description have been updated to reflect this is working for 3.74, and a direct link to a 3.74 compatible FinalHE has been updated.

Although this video still works fine, a lot of this is made even easier thanks to VitaDeploy! Updated video here:

#VitaModding #HENkaku #modoru

This video has been made with Fair Use in mind and has been created as an educational piece of media.



0:00 - Introduction
1:42 - Prerequisites
3:03 - Checking Current Firmware Version
4:01 - 3.74 Setup
9:25 - Downgrading to 3.60
20:02 - 3.60 Setup
23:58 - HENkaku Ensō Setup
28:58 - HENKaku Settings Setup
30:58 - AutoPlugin Setup
33:54 - Vita HomeBrew Browser
34:30 - Deleting Apps
35:07 - Final Recommendations


Looking for a PS Vita? Grab one here! (Affiliate Links):

PS Vita:
Amazon - http://geni.us/AF7jG5
eBay - https://ebay.us/DVymKA

PlayStation TV / Vita TV:
Amazon - http://geni.us/WzURE
eBay - https://ebay.us/zvO1J6

PS Vita Memory Card:
AliExpress - https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AlgCIn
Amazon - https://geni.us/uGPG
eBay - https://ebay.us/Ma64Dy

AliExpress - http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/A1lSOzS
Amazon - http://geni.us/fGHa2
eBay - https://ebay.us/Z4mnpC

Video Hardware I Use:
US - https://www.amazon.com/shop/mrmario2011
UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/mrmario2011


Downloads & Links!




PS Vita Firmware 3.60:

PS Vita Firmware 3.60 MD5 Hash:


Online MD5 Checker:


AutoPlugin 2:

Vita HomeBrew Browser:


Additional Vita Videos!

Getting Your PS Vita Back Online with iTLS-Enso | Fix the NW-8942-3 Error:

How to Manually Update/Reinstall Your PS Vita or PSTV Firmware:

How to Backup & Install PS Vita Games with NoNpDrm:

How to Setup SD2Vita with YAMT:

How to Install Adrenaline on PS Vita & PSTV:


Social Media & More!

Discord: https://Discord.Me/MrMario2011
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MrMario2011
Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/iPsychozoa
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MrMario2011
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MrMario2011
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/MrMario2011
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/MrMario2011


Song Information
Artist: pyama
Song: passing through
SoundCloud: literalbagoftrash
Link: https://soundcloud.com/literalbagoftrash


Any links specifically listed as affiliate links give me a small monetary kickback at no extra cost to you and no influence on the content.

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