EXTREME Try Not To Laugh Challenge #😂😂😂

1 year ago

Have you ever had one of those friends that pretends they want to fight but is actually just waiting for you to step in and diffuse the situation? This is the feline equivalent.

There are some people that can never back down from an argument regardless of the species they’re arguing with.

If you’ve ever had a job where you work the night shift alone, and will go to any length to amusem yourself, you can for sure relate to this next clip.

This is the new urban iron man challenge…Are you man enough to carry in all the groceries in one go?

Granted this next one's a classic, but it never gets old.

Getting it in was the easy part…Now let’s see you get it out, Hotshot.

For safe winter travels, always chain up your tires when conditions call for it.

Remember kids…It’s ok to spit at an animal only if it spits at you first. After all, they started it.

The accordion was invented in Berlin, Germany in 1822…Which, by all accounts, was a low point in human achievement.

We can only hope to someday be as happy as this person while doing something utterly pointless in front of a crowd.

This is exactly why you should not try to recreate every tiktok challenge out there, but you should absolutely film it if you do.

Well look at that…I see the investments in Chinese infrastructure are finally paying off.

We should all be so lucky to live in a neighborhood with a guy like this that wants to spoil his dogs while bringing a smile to his neighbors.

Does it still count as workplace sexual harassment if you steal kisses like this?

Careful now…Try this in the wrong pool hall and you’ll find yourself on the business end of a broken pool cue.

Ever try to turn your cat into a hot fudge sundae? Yeah, me neither, but maybe we should?

Ladies, do you ever have that moment when you look at your partner and think to yourself, what does it say about me if that’s the man I chose?

I can’t decide if this is cheating or simply playing the game smarter. You decide.

In the contest between man and spider, the outcome is not always guaranteed.

Guys, if you’re brave enough to do this to your Girlfriend, remember…You still have to go out in public with her, and she will eventually find out and seek revenge. Is that a game you want to play?

Who would have thought that strapping 10 bails of hay to a rickety old motorbike would be a bad idea?

I can’t tell if this fish is trying to intimidate the person filming, or just coming in for a kiss. Maybe both?

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s our pleasure to present…Tactical Janitor…Enjoy

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