The supposed atack on Kremlin by "USA operatives"

1 year ago

This is supposedly i mean not supposedly, Kremlin said USA atacked well, the Kremlin as you can see in this video. This is the actual video posted by the Kremlin. They said USA army manages to influence Ukranians and carried out this atack. Now lets analyse the footage.
First of all we can see what appears to be a drone burning above the Kremlin around the Russian flag. We assume the target was the flag to deliver a simbolic blow somehow. We also see that the drone missed. In the same time we see two men on the roof. Sketchy? You bet. Are we to believe that an Ukranian drone operator managed to get close to Kremlin and operate the drone to hit a flag? Actually to miss the flag. Also the explosive charge is very small, its a small pirotehnic bomb used because its safe. So two people on the roof, someone perfectly filming and a small pirotehnic bomb that misses the russian flag, and this is USA or even Ukraine agents atacking the State Duma in Moscow?

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