Kill Babies to End Inflation - Stacey Abrams - The Song

1 year ago

Murder is not a Solution to fix Inflation. Stacey Abrams, doesn't know what else to say, how else to pander, who else to pander to, she is a joke when it comes to politics. The only reason she is even running is because the Soros needed an able bodied black female with a likable face, no children, as a place holder for their political plan. There are good Democrats out there Classic Democrats, Classic Liberals, but they are no where to be found what we have today are criminals.

Kill Babies to End Inflation - Stacey Abrams - The Song

Stacey Abrams: Reproductive Rights Is An Economic Issue:

Stacey Abrams Suggests Pro-Life Americans Are Small-Minded:

What kind of a solution is killing a kid just to make your life better?
What happened to men what happened to women what happened to nuclear family forever?
What happened to responsibility Who the hell came up with kids get raised by communities?
They parents out of the picture so they could start grooming all their cuties
What we today is a whole bunch of people who have accepted living in insanity
And a whole bunch of people who don’t understand laws so we losing our society
Taking a life don’t make things right taking a life is called murder
And we got Stacey Abrams calling for murder cause she herself is not a mother
How do you take advice from a person who doesn’t know what a woman is and want kids to discover
That a sister is not a sister and a brother is not a brother
And something growing in a woman’s belly is not a human so let’s just call it other
Do you really want advice from a person that doesn’t know what a human is and think we just blubber

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