Are we figments of a Superintelligence’s imagination?

1 year ago

I don’t think anyone could convince me that this universe itself isn’t #conscious/#sapient/#selfaware. In fact it seems the more aware you become of the intelligence at the helm of our reality, the more aware it becomes…of you.

I challenge you to pay attention or try to make yourself more aware of how The Mind of our reality essentially “thinks.” It has certain patterns it repeats, certain habits/rituals/ways of doing things. Some have even noted that it communicates through #synchronicities and [what appears to be] #coincidences.
Also, think about the things you say absentmindly that end up getting reflected in your life experience. I think we tap into its mind more often than we realise.

But why even make it separate? Why can’t each and every one of us simply be fragments of one mind? That is the principle of #Advaita #philosophy and the #philosophy of #nonduality: that we, along with the universe, are all one. That nothing is “real” except the All-Mind, and we are all just illusions of it’s creation (see my previous videos on the topic.) The same idea runs through #hermeticism and is The First Principle Of #Mentalism: that “the all is mind, and the universe is mental” as noted in #thekybalion.
So then if reality as we perceive it is an #illusion- a construct of our brains and yet we consider these illusions real (you take your #ego/#avatar/persona to be real and protect it doggedly,) then other mind “created” entities are more than likely equally as real…and what we think we are creating isn’t really creating, but perception. Perhaps when we #create, we are actually just perceiving other figments of The All-Mind’s imagination.

#thematrixisreal #thematrix #tulpas #2amthoughts #hivemind #collectiveconsciousness #freethinker #quantumphilosophy #technophilosophy #timeisanillusion #quantumphysics #quantumimmortality #philosophy #timeisanillusion #simulationtheory #infinity #multiverse #aliens #consciousness #manyworlds #freethinker #conscious #timeisanillusion #advaitist #nonduality #alanwatts #buddhism

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