Who's Desperate? The Drone Attack on the Kremlin

1 year ago

Conflicting explanations are nothing new during times of war. But can someone who has been caught lying repeatedly -- e.g., Secretary of State Blinken -- be believed? He and his press allies describe Putin as "desperate". Yet senior retired intel officials, such as Larry Johnson and Scott Ritter, say it is Zelensky and his Anglo-American war hawk string pullers who are desperate, as they refuse to negotiate an end to the war, with Blinken calling China's peace plan a "cynical trap," thereby insuring a growing toll of Ukrainian casualties. Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued an impassioned call for you to join us in defending truth from the serial liars of the Military-Industrial Complex and their press whores of the media cartels:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Statement on Freeing Julian Assange:
May 3 Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche:
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