Unnecessary Worries... Jesus teaches ❤️ Heavenly Gifts revealed thru Jakob Lorber

1 year ago

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Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 1, Chap. 10

Unnecessary Worries - May 24, 1840, Sunday morning

Question: May we not ask You, O Father in heaven, in childlike humility, that recruitment may cease, whereby the husband is torn from his wife, the father from his children, the son from his parents, the citizen from his trade, and the peasant from his field, and is often forced into a state in which little Christianity is to be found. - How long shall this evil continue, according to Your will? - May it please You to demand of us a sacrifice that this hard yoke, the sight of which fills us with bitter melancholy, may be taken from our brothers! - However, not our will, but Your holy will be done, for all eternity!

The Lord answers:
1. As your good and holy Father, I am always pleased when you turn to Me in whatever matter troubles you. Only you must not ask of Me any foolish things, to which I then would not want to give you an answer, as it would be nonsensical to encourage you in an error or superstition.

2. Questions such as these, concerning the determination of timeframes and dates, according to year, day and hour! - For you see, I never determine a time for anything, but always act according to the circumstances of men, as Father with the children, and as God with the men of the world. Would I not have to be cruel if I said: "During the next year I will unleash My judgement upon you" - and then would certainly do it, even if you were to better yourselves from the ground up!? - Well, judge for yourselves! - And if I would not do it, would I not be a liar!? How could this be reconciled with My love and holiness?

3. For this reason I will not allow the prophetic determiners and calculators of time to get ahead, and, in the end, they will be put to shame. And so, it will not be I but men who will unconsciously determine the time through their actions, and then I will come like a thief when they least expect it.

4. A second such foolish question is: By what sacrifice could I be moved to do anything? - Behold, being asked such a question by My children hurts Me, for I glean from it that they still consider Me some kind of idol, instead of their sole good and holy Father, in truth and love, who expects nothing from you but your filial love. - Your childlike love is the only sacrifice that pleases your Father, and wherein your God delights the most!

5. As far as recruitment is concerned, however, it is not the greatest of the world's evils, but merely a consequence of the love for the world, and therefore more a consequence of the evil itself. And so, the military profession will remain for as long as worldliness born of the self-love of men exists... Therefore, worry not so much about it for the sake of the recruits, for be fully assured that My children shall never bear arms, for I am their weapon against all evil. And even if they were obligated to do as the children of the world, which will and can only rarely happen, believe Me, I will be their Father then as well, a strong God, and a sharp, invincible weapon for them to carry.

6. Behold, it matters very little what you were in this world, be it peasants, citizens of cities, soldiers, princes, kings or emperors. No, what matters is the way you were it - out of self-love, love for your neighbour or My love within you, meaning out of love for Me and, thereof, for your neighbour. Accordingly will your life in eternity be as such.

7. I am well aware that there is little religion to be found among the military profession, and that debauchery therein is evidently more severe than among the regular citizens. On the other hand, however, punishment is stricter there than that of the citizens. And so many things are prevented that, among the regular citizens, often have free rein.

8. By the way, religion, as it generally exists among you at this very moment, is as good to Me as none at all. For where there is nothing, there may something be built that can be good. But where there is only depravation, there is little room for good. Everything worldly, however, is infernal and, as such, brimming with all manner of cruelties, the reward of which won't be long in coming, for the citizen as with the soldier.

9. However, My children shall not worry about anything! For I have much to give to the oppressed and the needy, if only they wish to come to Me. And those who have lost something in this world, for My sake, will one day find it again, one way or the other, in the bosom of their good and holy Father. - Amen.

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