31. Causes of Reactive Asthma - Dr. Welmore Webley

1 year ago

Watch the video for the "surprise" case of many cases of asthma.
Dr. Webley information:
My research has focused on two parallel themes: (1) understanding chlamydial interaction with the infected host in an attempt to better characterize the diseases that this family of bacteria cause and (2) design and development of interventional and therapeutic strategies to prevent or treat chlamydial infections and associated sequelae.

Research Overview and Approaches
Our research program uses molecular, cell biology, immunology and proteomics tools to study the lifestyle, disease pathologies and development of treatment/prevention strategies for the obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens, Chlamydia . Chlamydia is the most frequently reported bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the United States and many other parts of the developed and developing world. This family of bacteria is also the most common cause of preventable blindness worldwide, causing devastating conjunctivitis in endemic areas (mostly Africa and Asia ). While it is true that there are antibiotics that are relatively effective at treating chlamydial infections, over 80% of these infections are asymptomatic and those affected do not realize they have been infected until severe pathologies are manifested.

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