China's angry! U.S. Troops war simulation against China for the defense of Taiwan

1 year ago


In an exercise, US forces acted as if they were protecting Taiwan from an invasion by China.

According to Drew F. Lawrence of, the annual capabilities exercise, or Capex, of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command or Usacos, employed a scenario incorporating Taiwan for the first time on Thursday.

According to Lawrence's report, Lt. Gen. Jonathan P. Braga, commanding general of Usacos, stated in a speech prior to the exercise at Fort Bragg that "the [People's Republic of China] is our true pacing challenge out there."

Gen. Jonathan said, The ultimate goal of our efforts is to avert World War III. That is what we do.

Stars and Stripes claimed that, U.S. and Filipino soldiers conducted air assaults on the southern Taiwanese islands of Fuga, Calayan, and Batan.

According to Maj. Gen. Joseph Ryan, the exercises are intended to convey that the United States is prepared to assist partners in defending their maritime area.

It comes after China earlier in April conducted a significant military exercise simulating an encirclement of Taiwan. The exercise was meant to serve as a warning to politicians on the island who support independence from China and their supporters.

In retaliation for a meeting between Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen and U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on April 5 in California, China conducted military exercises over the course of three days. If the conference went forward, China had issued a warning that it would "take strong and resolute" action.

Additionally, the Associated Press cited the Taiwanese Defense Ministry in reporting that China's military flew 38 fighter jets and other warplanes over Taiwan on Friday.

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